ENS offers an extensive range of services in relation to the measurement and prediction of noise within three primary sectors: Environmental Acoustics, Building and Architectural Acoustics and Industrial Acoustics.

Environmental Acoustics
Withthe increasing pressure to develop brownfield and urban sites, noise is commonly an important factor in many planning applications. An increasing number of local planning authorities are requiring noise surveys and assessments in support of planning applications for proposed residential development in urban areas, which are typically affected by transport, industrial and entertainment noise. Noise assessments are occasionally required for residential development in rural areas affected by noise from mineral extraction operations.
Principles and specific guidelines on noise and planning issues are given in Planning Policy Guidance Note 24 ‘Planning and Noise’ (1994). PPG24 defines four Noise Exposure Categories, which indicate to what extent noise should be considered by the local planning authority in the granting of planning permission and, in turn, the extent of any noise mitigation measures.
Irrespective of the proposed development, be it residential, industrial, commercial or retail, ENS works closely with regulatory bodies (local planning authorities and environmental protection services) in advance of the noise assessment to determine the noise sources of concern and the noise conditions likely to be imposed on the proposed development.
A scope of work for the noise survey is then agreed with the regulator in advance of the survey and assessment, which enables us to provide the client with a fixed price quotation and in most instances eliminate the need to revisit a site to collate further noise data.
ENS then classifies the noise climate at a site and, where necessary, designs cost-effective attenuation measures for both airborne and structural borne impacts.
Our range of services within the environmental acoustics sector includes:
Liaison with the local planning authority and environmental health departments to determine relevant noise criteria.
Noise and vibration surveys and assessments to characterise a site’s ambient climate for planning applications.
Noise monitoring at existing sites to determine compliance with planning and operational conditions.
Environmental noise impact assessments.
Traffic, railway and airport noise assessment, prediction and control.
Industrial, commercial and retail noise assessment, prediction and control.
Representation at public inquiries, liquor and public entertainment licensing hearings.
Examples of recent commissions in the environmental acoustics sector have included:
Noise and vibration survey and assessment for residential development adjacent to a main railway line.
Noise assessment for a major residential development adjacent to a main motorway.
Noise assessment for a major mixed-use development in Leeds City Centre.
Assessment of the noise impact of a large manufacturing works on a proposed housing development in South Yorkshire.
Our experience in preparing noise surveys and assessments at competitive fixed price quotations has enabled the company to secure commissions for work throughout the UK.

Furthermore, our work is always undertaken to the satisfaction of both clients and regulatory bodies, due to the process of advance consultation and also because of our continuous commitment to providing high quality, cost effective advice.
[ Environmental Acoustics ]   [ Building and Architectural Acoustics ]   [ Industrial Acoustics ]
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